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Politics of Misinformation

The Politics of Misinformation: 10 Million Border Crossers a Day?

In a recent exchange on CNN, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin claimed that he has seen “the impacts of 10 million people illegally coming across the border every single day.”

10 million people illegally crossing the U.S. southern border every day! Let that sink in: 10 million illegals, every day. That’s such a staggering number, it’s hard to fathom.

Take a look at this-

So, let’s break it down with some simple math. Grab a calculator if you have one because we’re going to do 3rd grade math here.

The Math: 10 Million a Day?

If we take Governor Youngkin’s statement at face value, that’s 10 million people crossing the border each day. Multiply that by 365 days, and you’re looking at 3.65 billion people entering the U.S. annually—nearly half the world’s population in a single year. Over four years, that would be 14.6 billion illegal border crossings, which is more than twice the population of Earth.

Now, let’s pause for a moment and ask:

  • Where are these people?
  • Are they invisible?

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), there were about 2.2 million encounters at the Southwest border in fiscal year 2022. While that’s a serious number, highlighting the ongoing challenge of illegal immigration, it’s nowhere near the fantastical claim of 10 million per day.

Between October 2019 and June 2024, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported just under 11 million border encounters nationwide. USAFacts

The Power of Exaggeration

So why inflate the numbers so much? 

Fear sells. When people are scared, they’re easier to manipulate. In today’s political climate, politics of misinformation and disinformation has become a powerful tool for stoking fear and division. Former President Donald Trump has also been accused of making similar outlandish claims, often repeated by his supporters as truth.

But think about it: 10 million a day? If that were true, we would be facing an unprecedented wave of migration. The streets would be overflowing with people. So where are they? Do they have cloaking devices, or is this just sci-fi talk? The absurdity of such statements raises an important question: why lie?

Evangelicals and the Politics of Disinformation

Here’s where things get particularly troubling. Many of these exaggerated claims come from  evangelical Christian circles—a group that typically holds truth and integrity in high regard. But in the world of modern politics, it seems that winning justifies bending, stretching, or outright breaking the truth.

Must you really lie to win? What’s the cost of such a moral compromise?

This isn’t just political rhetoric; it’s part of a disinformation campaign. This reminds me of the well-known assertion by Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, that when a lie is repeated frequently enough, people begin to accept it as truth. This is especially true when such lies are amplified by influential voices. This not only undermines public trust but also makes it harder to tackle real issues, like immigration, with the seriousness and facts they require.

The Fallout

When politicians like Governor Youngkin and others make these kinds of ominous claims around illegal immigration, they’re contributing to the larger problem of disinformation. This harms more than their political opponents—it undermines public discourse. Illegal immigration is a complex issue that demands thoughtful, fact-based solutions, not exaggerated numbers designed to stir up fear.

As we look toward future elections, the question becomes: Do we want leaders who value the truth, or leaders willing to distort reality for political gain?

Do These People Have Any Shame?

One of the most perplexing aspects of this whole situation is the lack of shame displayed by individuals spreading disinformation. After making outrageous claims like 10 million people crossing the border every day, how do they feel when they go home? Do they believe they’ve done a service to society by spreading fear? Or is it just about winning at all costs?

What happens when truth is sacrificed for political gain? How do these leaders explain their actions to their children? What kind of legacy are they leaving behind? Today’s political climate, obsessed with winning at any cost, is eroding public trust. The lies of today become the foundation of a future where truth is subjective, and public confidence in institutions crumbles.

In the end, politicians who perpetuate disinformation are sowing the seeds of a dysfunctional society. So, the question remains: must you win at all costs? Win today, but at what price tomorrow?

Conclusion: Numbers Matter, Truth Matters

Yes, illegal immigration is a problem. But 10 million border crossers a day? Come on. The math doesn’t add up. We should demand more from our leaders from both sides of the aisle—not just better policies, but better facts. The truth matters, and when it comes to the politics of fear and disinformation, the only real solution is an informed, critical, and engaged public.




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